Letter of Intent Deadline: July 5,2024

Application Deadline: August 16, 2024

See past funded projects


The Emerging Issues Program (EIP) of the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS) supports emerging health and safety concerns of children working on, living in, or visiting agricultural environments. In particular, the program strives for a rapid response to explore, test, implement, or recommend strategies that are likely to identify causes, effects, and prevention interventions in response to new or unresolved/complex problems.



The goal of the EIP is to document, intervene, and otherwise explore challenges that are impacting the health and safety of children (under age 18) in and around agricultural settings and for which limited knowledge is currently available. The EIP seeks a broad range of possible topics. Emerging issues impacting the health and safety of children in agriculture include, but are not limited to: climate change (wildfires, heat exposure, extreme weather events), automation and other technology advancements, projects focused on populations underserved in current research and prevention materials, and public/organizational policy pertaining to youth. Proposals will be particularly competitive if they consider variations in the needs and realities of the target population on the basis of gender, race/ethnicity, income, geographical location, and/or geographic origin.

Applicants may request up to $25,000 for research studies and up to $15,000 for non-research or outreach projects. The amount of available project funding is dependent on submissions from eligible applicants. Example projects are small pilot studies for data collection, a “think tank” session to deepen our understanding of an emerging issue, and consensus-development strategies with multiple stakeholders. The project proposal should include an explanation of Burden, Need, and Impact.[1] Projects should respond to a clear burden, fill a specific emerging need, and have the potential for measurable impacts and outputs.


Eligibility for Project Support

Community-based organizations, public or private institutions, units of local or state government, or tribal government throughout the United States are eligible to apply for funds. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with NIOSH Agricultural Research Centers[2] or universities on project design and evaluation, when reasonable and applicable. 


Priority Topics

Highest funding priority will be given to projects that address emerging health and safety needs of children. Other means to determine priority include:

  1. Impact on people who are at an increased risk for agricultural health and safety concerns and currently underserved by research and prevention materials.
  2. Public/organizational policies that safeguard youth in agriculture
  3. Leverage of existing NCCRAHS resources or materials (e.g., AgInjuryNews, Youth Work Guidelines, Agritourism safety materials, Child Ag Safety & Health Workshops) and/or networks (e.g., Child Agricultural Safety Network)


  1. Projects not specific to children and agriculture will not be funded
  2. Projects limited to education programs only for children will not be funded


*Note: the terms “Child”, “Children”, and “Childhood” refers to persons <18 years.


Application Process

Letter of Intent

Applicants must initially submit a one-page Letter of Intent by July 5 that includes the project goals, objectives, and key personnel.  If the project concept is deemed to have merit, the applicant will be invited to submit a full proposal. Send letters of intent to: nccrahs@marshfieldresearch.org  

Full Proposal

Full proposals must include all sections noted in table below, and will be due August 16. Applicants unfamiliar with CDC/NIH style applications but with high potential for success may be partnered with an NCCRAHS faculty member as they formulate their program plan. Appendices may be included only if highly relevant to the proposal. Applications exceeding page limits will not be accepted for review. Reviews may also be expedited if the emerging issue demands more immediate attention.


Application item



A. Contact Information Form

1 page

Download from website at this link:

EIP Contact Info Form

B. Project Goal

Maximum of 6 pages total for sections

B thru G



(4 pages for projects requesting ≤ $10,000)

Concise statement of project goal/outcomes/deliverables

C. Background and Significance

Describe specific national priority area(s) addressed. If relevant, include local needs assessment or other formative research.

D. Project Design / Methods

Planned design and methods

E. Evaluation

See “Evaluation” below

F. Implications for future studies/programs

Include potential for future research, continued funding, or spin-off programs

G. Timeline

Project timeline limited to 12 months maximum

H. References


References are not included in the page limit for sections B thru G.

I. Budget and Budget Justification

1 page

plus indirect agreement (if needed)

See “Budget” below

J. Biosketch or CV

3 pages each

Biosketch is required for Principal Investigator and key personnel; narrative, summary, or NIH style biosketch is acceptable

K. Appendices

10 pages total

Only highly relevant materials should be included in appendices



Font: Arial 11 pt.  Margins: 1 inch. Single-spaced. All pages must be numbered.



Applicants should describe their expectations to evaluate success. That is, how will the grant recipient and NCCRAHS know if the desired objectives for the grant were achieved? Describe measurable outcomes such as number of participants interviewed, agents of influence trained, self-reported changes in behavior, or peer-reviewed papers published.


Applicants may request up to $25,000 for research studies and up to $15,000 for non-research projects. The budget must indicate the requested amount and justification for each category (i.e., personnel, travel, supplies, and consultants).  Institutional indirect costs may be included as part of the total budget as a separate line item but can comprise no more than 10% of total budget. It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine indirect cost rate with his/her institution. Your institution’s indirect cost agreement must be included with your application if the budget includes this line item.


Completed Proposals

Send your completed proposal via email to: nccrahs@marshfieldresearch.org


Review Criteria

Proposals will be peer-reviewed using the following criteria: a) alignment with the purpose of EIP b) eligibility requirements, c) priority topics outlined in the call for proposals, d) adequacy of project design and methods, e) strength of evaluation, and f) likelihood of expanding our knowledge base on a complex and/or emerging issue affecting childhood agricultural health and/or safety.


Funding & Timeline

Letters of intent are due July 5, 2024. Invitations for full applications will be sent by July 16, 2024. Full applications are due August 16, 2024. Only one applicant per organization will be awarded in a fiscal year.  The EIP Director, Bryan Weichelt, PhD, or designee will notify applicants of award decision by September 15, 2023. All funds should be expended by September 29, 2024. Extension of project beyond the deadline will not be approved.  NCCRAHS will request a 6-month interim report, and final reports for all projects are due within 2 months after the project concludes.


Acknowledgment Requirements:

All presentations, posters, and publications resulting from NCCRAHS funding must acknowledge NCCRAHS and the NIOSH grant and use the NCCRAHS logo when appropriate (please contact NCCRAHS for logo files). Please state: "This [presentation/work/research/product] was supported by the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Cooperative Agreement U54 OH009568. Its content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of CDC/NIOSH.”



For questions, please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For programmatic questions (priority topics, fundable ideas, potential collaborators), please contact Emerging Issues Program Director, Bryan Weichelt, PhD
Email weichelt.bryan@marshfieldresearch.org 
Phone: 1-800-662-6900

For funding process questions (e.g., budgets), or if you have questions not answered by the FAQ page, contact: NCCRAHS Administrator, Kathie Smith.
Email: smith.kathleen@marshfieldresearch.org  
Phone: 1-800-662-6900

Frequently Asked Questions (View PDF)

[1] Felknor SA, Schulte PA, Schnorr TM, Pana-Cryan R, Howard J. Burden, Need and Impact: An Evidence-Based Method to Identify Worker Safety and Health Research Priorities. Ann Work Expo Health. 2019;63(4):375-385. doi:10.1093/annweh/wxz011

[2] CDC. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/oep/agctrhom.html

Special Project and Pilot Study Funds (Mini-grant Program) 2002-2019

The purpose of the “Mini-grant” program (Emerging Issues Grants) of the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety was to support small-scale projects and pilot studies that addressed prevention of childhood agricultural disease and injury. From 2002 through 2019, more than 60 projects were funded up to $20,000 each. Individuals affiliated with community-based organizations, public or private institutions, units of local or state government, or tribal government throughout the United States were eligible to apply for funds. Priority was given to organizations and junior faculty who were building their capacity in childhood agricultural health and safety, and projects that generated new partnerships.

Recently Funded Projects 2022-Current

Recently funded "Emerging Issues" research projects can be reviewed at this link.