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The peer-reviewed Journal of Agromedicine: Practice, Policy and Research, is unique in that its primary purpose is to address the health and safety issues of those who work in production agriculture, as well as those who consume and use the products, or are impacted by the production practices. Abstracts from the current and past issues are available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wagr20/current.
The Journal of Agromedicine is abstracted and indexed in the following services: CABI (listed in various services in CABI); CSA (listed in various services in CSA); EBSCOhost (listed in various services in CABI); Elsevier BV (EMBASE, Scopus); National Library of Medicine (PubMed); OCLC (ArticleFirst, Electronic Collections Online, MEDLINE); ProQuest (AGRICOLA, ProQuest Public Health); Food Science and Technology Abstracts; Thomson Reuters (Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science); VINTI RAN (Referatiynyi Zhurnal)