Showing 121 - 135 of 262 results
Pickett W, Berg RL, Marlenga B. Social environments, risk-taking and injury in farm adolescents. Inj Prev. 2017 December;
PubMed ID: 28137978
Lee BC, Bendixsen C, Liebman AK, Gallagher SS. Using the socio-ecological model to frame agricultural safety and health interventions. J Agromedicine. 2017 December;
PubMed ID: 28762886
Lee BC, Salzwedel MA, Chyou PH, Liebman AK. Employers' perspective on childcare services for hired farm workers. J Agromedicine. 2017 December;
PubMed ID: 28759340
Liebman AK, Simmons J, Salzwedel M, Tovar-Aguilar A, Lee B. Caring for children while working in agriculture - The perspective of farmworker parents. J Agromedicine. 2017 December;
PubMed ID: 28742987
Kaprelian J, Berg RL, Barnes KL, Marlenga B. Integrating agricultural injury prevention with rural pediatrics: A pilot assessment. J Agromedicine. 2017 December;
PubMed ID: 28704168
Bendixsen C, Barnes K, Kieke B, Schenk D, Simich J, Keifer M. Sorting Through the Spheres of Influence: Using Modified Pile Sorting to Describe Who Influences Dairy Farmers' Decision-Making About Safety. J Agromedicine. 2017 December; 22(4):316-327.
PubMed ID: 28715252
Heiberger S, Evans J. (2017 Dec). New Extension Approaches to Serving Agricultural Media in Advancing Farm-Life Safety Communications. Journal of Extension. 55(6)
Acharya A, Schroeder D, Schwei K, Chyou PH. (2017 Dec). Update on Electronic Dental Record and Clinical Computing Adoption Among Dental Practices in the United States. Clin Med Res. 15(3-4):59-74.
PubMed ID: 29229631
VanWormer JJ, Bendixsen CG, Vickers ER, Stokley S, McNeil MM, Gee J,...McLean HQ [including Belongia EA.] Association between parent attitudes and receipt of human papillomavirus vaccine in adolescents. BMC Public Health.. 2017 October 2; 17(1):766.
PubMed ID: 28969653
Juárez-Carrillo PM, Liebman AK, Reyes IAC, Ninco Sánchez YV, Keifer MC. (2017 July). Applying Learning Theory to Safety and Health Training for Hispanic Immigrant Dairy Workers. Health Promot Pract. 18(4):505-515.
PubMed ID: 28629275
VanWormer JJ, Barnes KL, Waring SC, Keifer MC. Socio-environmental risk factors for medically-attended agricultural injuries in Wisconsin dairy farmers. Injury. 2017 July; 48(7):1444-1450.
PubMed ID: 28551053
Marlenga B, King N, Pickett W, Lawson J, Hagel L, Dosman JA. Impact of sleep on injury risk among rural children. Paediatr Child Health. 2017 July; 22(4):211-216.
PubMed ID: 29479217
Chyou PH, Schroeder D, Schwei K, Acharya A. (2017 June). Statistical Application and Cost Saving in a Dental Survey. Clin Med Res. 15(1-2):1-5.
PubMed ID: 28373286
Marlenga B, Berg RL, Gallagher SS. News Reports and Their Role in Child Agricultural Injury Prevention. J Agromedicine. 2017 March; 22(2):71-77.
PubMed ID: 28107106
Marolf A, Heiberger S, Evans J, Joseph L. How Agricultural Media Cover Safety Compared with Periodicals in Two Other Hazardous Industries. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 2017 February; 23(1)