Showing 226 - 240 of 262 results
Zentner JL, Marlenga BL. (2003 June). A synthesis of the NAGCAT-related literature. National Institute for Farm Safety. 3(5)
Westaby JD, Lee BC. (2003 March). Antecedents of injury among youth in agricultural settings: a longitudinal examination of safety consciousness, dangerous risk taking, and safety knowledge. J Safety Res. 34(3):227-240.
PubMed ID: 12963069
Carpenter WS, Lee BC, Gunderson PD, Stueland DT. (2002 September). Assessment of personal protective equipment use among Midwestern farmers. Am J Ind Med. 42(3):236-247.
PubMed ID: 12210692
Marlenga BL, Pickett W, Berg RL. (2002 August). Evaluation of an enhanced approach to the dissemination of the <em>North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks:</em> a randomized controlled trial. Prev Med. 35(2):150-159.
PubMed ID: 12200100
Lee BC, Gallagher S, Marlenga BL, Hard D. (2002 April). Childhood agricultural injury prevention: progress report and updated national action plan from the 2001 summit. Proceedings from the Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Symposium. :36.
Zentner JL, Marlenga BL. (2002). Evaluation of the North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks dissemination to 457 farm families in north central Wisconsin. National Institute for Farm Safety. Paper No. 2002-T#1
Lee BC. (2002). Protecting children from agricultural injuries. WMJ. 101(5):14-15.
PubMed ID: 12239974
Marlenga BL, Pickett W, Berg RL. (2001 November). Agricultural work activities reported for children and youth on 498 North American farms. J Agric Saf Health. 7(4):241-252.
PubMed ID: 11787753
Vela Acosta MS, Lee BC. (2001 November). Migrant and seasonal hired adolescent farmworkers: A plan to improve working conditions. Journal of Agromedicine. :26.
Marlenga BL, Pickett W, Berg RL. (2001 July). Assignment of work involving farm tractors to children on North American farms. Am J Ind Med. 40(1):15-22.
PubMed ID: 11439393
Baker AE, Esser NM, Lee BC. (2001 May). A qualitative assessment of children's farm safety day camp programs. J Agric Saf Health. 7(2):89-99.
PubMed ID: 11465388
Lee BC. (1999). Are we making progress in childhood agricultural injury prevention. JASH. 5(1):7-9.
Jenkins S, Marlenga BL. (1998). Introduction to the WK Kellogg agricultural safety and health (ASH) initiative. J Agromedicine. 5(2):3-7.
Lee BC, Slesinger D. (1998). Agriculture. Protecting Youth at Work: health, safety, and development of working children and adolescents in the.
Lee BC. (1998). Author response to "Factors influencing the exposure of children to major hazards on family farms." J Rural Health. 14(1):7-8.