Fellowship Positions
The positions involved with the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute (MCRI) Postdoctoral Fellowship training program includes individuals holding positions funded by philanthropic efforts, research sponsors for specific studies or projects, internally funded by the research department, and partner institutions fellowship programs. As the overarching goal of the program is to educate and mentor the next generation of scientific leaders, individuals eligible to participate in professional and career development activities include all of MCRI's Postdoctoral Fellows as well as interested early career researchers currently employed at MCRI. Details for each position can be found on the Postdoctoral Positions page.
Current Openings
For open positions and eligibility see the Postdoctoral Opportunities page.
Fellowship Faculty
MCRI is comprised of nationally-recognized centers in the fields of cancer research, epidemiology and population health, precision medicine, oral and systemic health, agricultural safety and health and conducts clinical trials in several medical subspecialty areas. Research areas and Tenure Scientific professionals that support and participate in the postdoctoral fellowship program can be found on the Postdoctoral Faculty page.
Fellowship Staff
The nationally-recognized centers of MCRI and the research scientists are supported by shared research support offices including Integrated Research and Development Laboratory, Office of Research Computing and Analytics, Office of Research Support Services, and Office of Compliance. A description of these services that support the more than 30 Ph.D. and M.D. scientists, 200 other staff and approximately 150 physicians and other health care professionals through the Health System are engaged in medical research can be found on the Postdoctoral Staff page.
Postdoctoral Program Administration
The postdoctoral training program is managed under the guidance of the Program Director and the Program Administrator, listed on the Postdoctoral Staff page.