The Personalized Medicine Research Project (PMRP) receives financial support from Marshfield Clinic, the state of Wisconsin (through the Wisconsin Genomics Initiative), the University of Wisconsin – Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) which is funded by a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Institutes of Health, and the eMERGE (electronic Medical Records and Genomics) network which is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
Authors are requested to reference and refer to the basic PMRP methods paper in their manuscript:
McCarty CA, Wilke RA, Giampietro PF, Wesbrook SD, Caldwell MD. Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project (PMRP): design, methods and recruitment for a large population-based biobank. PER MED 2005;2:49-79.
Authors should also acknowledge support from the Clinical and Translational Science Award.
Publications arising from any research project receiving support from ICTR should acknowledge such support by stating: “The project described was supported by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, previously through the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) grant 1UL1RR025011 and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) grant 9U54TR000021, and now by the NCATS grant UL1TR000427. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”
2005-2008 | 2009-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013
Current Publications
Ritchie MD, Denny JC, Zuvich RL, Crawford DC, Schildcrout JS, Bastarache L, Ramirez AH, Mosley JD, Pulley JM, Basford MA, Bradford Y, Rasmussen LV, Pathak J, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, McCarty CA, Chisholm RL, Kho AN, Carlson CS, Larson EB, Jarvik GP, Sotoodehnia N; Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) QRS Group, Manolio TA, Li R, Masys DR, Haines JL, Roden DM. Genome- and phenome-wide analyses of cardiac conduction identifies markers of arrhythmia risk. CIRCULATION 2013;127(13):1377-85.
PubMed ID: 23463857
Pendergrass SA, Verma SS, Holzinger ER, Moore CB, Wallace J, Dudek SM, Huggins W, Kitchner T, Waudby C, Berg R, McCarty CA, Ritchie MD. Next-generation analysis of cataracts: determining knowledge driven gene-gene interactions using biofilter, and gene-environment interactions using the phenx toolkit. PAC SYMP BIOCOMPUT 2013:147-58.
PubMed ID: 23424120
Hebbring SJ, Slager SL, Epperla N, Mazza JJ, Ye Z, Zhou Z, Achenbach SJ, Vasco DA, Call TG, Rabe KG, Kay NE, Caporaso NE, Lanasa MC, Camp NJ, Strom SS, Goldin LR, Cerhan JR, Brilliant MH, Schrodi SJ. Genetic evidence of PTPN22 effects on chronic lymphocytic leukemia. BLOOD 2013;121(1):237-8.
PubMed ID: 23287625
Glurich I, Acharya A, Shukla SK, Nycz GR, Brilliant MH. The oral-systemic personalized medicine model at Marshfield Clinic. ORAL DIS 2013 Jan;19(1):1-17.
PubMed ID: 22458294
Publications - 2013
Ritchie MD, Denny JC, Zuvich RL, Crawford DC, Schildcrout JS, Bastarache L, Ramirez AH, Mosley JD, Pulley JM, Basford MA, Bradford Y, Rasmussen LV, Pathak J, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, McCarty CA, Chisholm RL, Kho AN, Carlson CS, Larson EB, Jarvik GP, Sotoodehnia N; Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) QRS Group, Manolio TA, Li R, Masys DR, Haines JL, Roden DM. Genome- and phenome-wide analyses of cardiac conduction identifies markers of arrhythmia risk. CIRCULATION 2013;127(13):1377-85.
PubMed ID: 23463857
Pendergrass SA, Verma SS, Holzinger ER, Moore CB, Wallace J, Dudek SM, Huggins W, Kitchner T, Waudby C, Berg R, McCarty CA, Ritchie MD. Next-generation analysis of cataracts: determining knowledge driven gene-gene interactions using biofilter, and gene-environment interactions using the phenx toolkit. PAC SYMP BIOCOMPUT 2013:147-58.
PubMed ID: 23424120
Hebbring SJ, Slager SL, Epperla N, Mazza JJ, Ye Z, Zhou Z, Achenbach SJ, Vasco DA, Call TG, Rabe KG, Kay NE, Caporaso NE, Lanasa MC, Camp NJ, Strom SS, Goldin LR, Cerhan JR, Brilliant MH, Schrodi SJ. Genetic evidence of PTPN22 effects on chronic lymphocytic leukemia. BLOOD 2013;121(1):237-8.
PubMed ID: 23287625
Glurich I, Acharya A, Shukla SK, Nycz GR, Brilliant MH. The oral-systemic personalized medicine model at Marshfield Clinic. ORAL DIS 2013 Jan;19(1):1-17.
PubMed ID: 22458294
Publications - 2012
Anderson ER, Burmester JK, Caldwell MD. Evaluation of a mitochondrial DNA mutation in maternally inherited and sporadic cases of Dupuytren disease. CLIN MED RES 2012;10(3):122-6.
PubMed ID: 22634541
Kawaler E, Cobian A, Peissig P, Cross D, Yale S, Craven M. Learning to predict post-hospitalization VTE risk from EHR data. AMIA ANNU SYMP PROC 2012;2012:436-45.
PubMed ID: 23304314
Foth W, Waudby C, Brilliant MH. Certificates of confidentiality and the Marshfield Clinic's Personalized Medicine Research Project. VIRTUAL MENTOR 2012;14(8):653-6.
PubMed ID: 23351322
Cross DS, McCarty CA, Hytopoulos E, Beggs M, Nolan N, Harrington DS, Hastie T, Tibshirani R, Tracy RP, Psaty BM, McClelland R, Tsao PS, Quertermous T. Coronary risk assessment among intermediate risk patients using a clinical and biomarker based algorithm developed and validated in two population cohorts. CURR MED RES OPIN 2012;28(11):1819-30.
PubMed ID: 23092312
Sacco JC, Abouraya M, Motsinger-Reif A, Yale SH, McCarty CA, Trepanier LA. Evaluation of polymorphisms in the sulfonamide detoxification genes NAT2, CYB5A, and CYB5R3 in patients with sulfonamide hypersensitivity. PHARMACOGENET GENOMICS 2012;22(10):733-40.
PubMed ID: 22850190
Ding K, Shameer K, Jouni H, Masys DR, Jarvik GP, Kho AN, Ritchie MD, McCarty CA, Chute CG, Manolio TA, Kullo IJ. Genetic Loci implicated in erythroid differentiation and cell cycle regulation are associated with red blood cell traits. MAYO CLIN PROC 2012;87(5):461-74.
PubMed ID: 22560525
Zuvich RL, Armstrong LL, Bielinski SJ, Bradford Y, Carlson CS, Crawford DC, Crenshaw AT, de Andrade M, Doheny KF, Haines JL, Hayes MG, Jarvik GP, Jiang L, Kullo IJ, Li R, Ling H, Manolio TA, Matsumoto ME, McCarty CA, McDavid AN, Mirel DB, Olson LM, Paschall JE, Pugh EW, Rasmussen LV, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Turner SD, Wilke RA, Ritchie MD. Pitfalls of merging GWAS data: lessons learned in the eMERGE network and quality control procedures to maintain high data quality. GENET EPIDEMIOL 2011;35(8):887-98.
PubMed ID: 22125226
McCarty CA, Berg R, Patchett R, Wilke RA, Burmester JK. Lack of association between polymorphisms in the prostaglandin F2a receptor and solute carrier organic anion transporter family 2A1 genes and intraocular pressure response to prostaglandin analogs. OPHTHALMIC GENET 2012;33(2):74-6.
PubMed ID: 22060278
Crosslin DR, McDavid A, Weston N, Nelson SC, Zheng X, Hart E, de Andrade M, Kullo IJ, McCarty CA, Doheny KF, Pugh E, Kho A, Hayes MG, Pretel S, Saip A, Ritchie MD, Crawford DC, Crane PK, Newton K, Li R, Mirel DB, Crenshaw A, Larson EB, Carlson CS, Jarvik GP; Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network. Genetic variants associated with the white blood cell count in 13,923 subjects in the eMERGE Network. HUM GENET 2012;131(4):639-52.
PubMed ID: 22037903
Peissig PL, Rasmussen LV, Berg RL, Linneman JG, McCarty CA, Waudby CJ, Chen L, Denny JC, Wilke R, Pathak J, Carrell D, Kho A, Starren JB. Importance of multi-modal approaches to effectively identify cataract cases from electronic health records. J AM MED INFORM ASSN 2012;19:225-34.
PubMed ID: 22319176
McCarty CA, Berg RL, Welter JD, Kitchner TE, Kemnitz JW. A novel gene-environment interaction involved in endometriosis. INT J GYNAECOL OBSTET 2012;116:61-3.
PubMed ID: 22024213
Fullerton SM, Wolf WA, Brothers KB, Clayton EW, Crawford DC, Denny JC, Greenland P, Koenig BA, Leppig KA, Lindor NM, McCarty CA, McGuire AL, McPeek Hinz ER, Mirel DB, Ramos EM, Ritchie MD, Smith ME, Waudby CJ, Burke W, Jarvik GP. Return of individual research results from genome-wide association studies: experience of the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network. GENET MED 2012;14:424-31.
PubMed ID: 22361898
Publications - 2011
Kullo IJ, Ding K, Shameer K, McCarty CA, Jarvik GP, Denny JC, Ritchie MD, Ye Z, Crosslin DR, Chisholm RL, Manolio TA, Chute CG. Complement receptor 1 gene variants are associated with erythrocyte sedimentation rate. AM J HUM GENET 2011;89(1):131-8.
PubMed ID: 21700265
McGuire AL, Basford M, Dressler LG, Fullerton SM, Koenig BA, Li R, McCarty CA, Ramos E, Smith ME, Somkin CP, Waudby C, Wolf WA, Clayton EW. Ethical and practical challenges of sharing data from genome-wide association studies: the eMERGE Consortium experience. GENOME RES 2011;21(7):1001-7.
PubMed ID: 21632745
McCarty CA, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, Li R, Masys DR, Ritchie MD, Roden DM, Struewing JP, Wolf WA; eMERGE Team. The eMERGE Network: a consortium of biorepositories linked to electronic medical records data for conducting genomic studies. BMC MED GENOMICS 2011;4:13.
PubMed ID: 21269473
Turner S, Armstrong LL, Bradford Y, Carlson CS, Crawford DC, Crenshaw AT, de Andrade M, Doheny KF, Haines JL, Hayes G, Jarvik G, Jiang L, Kullo IJ, Li R, Ling H, Manolio TA, Matsumoto M, McCarty CA, McDavid AN, Mirel DB, Paschall JE, Pugh EW, Rasmussen LV, Wilke RA, Zuvich RL, Ritchie MD. Quality control procedures for genome-wide association studies. CURR PROTOC HUM GENET 2011;Chapter 1:Unit 1.19.
PubMed ID: 21234875
Waudby CJ, Berg RL, Linneman JG, Rasmussen LV, Peissig PL, Chen L, McCarty CA. Cataract research using electronic health records. BMC OPHTHALMOLOGY 2011;11:32
PubMed ID: 22078460
Denny JC, Crawford D, Ritchie MD, Bielinski S, Basford MA, Bradford Y, Chai H, Bastarache L, Zuvich R, Peissig PL, Carrell D, Ramirez A, Pathak J, Wilke R, Rasmussen LV, Wang X, Pacheco J, Kho A, Hayes M, Weston N, Matsumoto M, Kopp P, Newton KM, Jarvik G, Li R, Manolio T, Kullo IJ, Chute CG, Chisholm R, Larson EB, McCarty CA, Masys DR, Roden DM, De Andrade M. Variants near FOXE1 are associated with hypothyroidism and other thyroid conditions: using electronic medical records for genome- and phenome-wide studies. AM J HUM GENET 2011;89:529-42.
PubMed ID: 21981779
Turner SD, Berg RL, Linneman JG, Peissig PL, Crawford DC, Denny JC, Roden DM, McCarty CA, Ritchie MD, Wilke RA. Knowledge-driven multi-locus analysis reveals gene-gene interactions influencing HDL cholesterol level in two independent EMR-linked biobanks. PLoS ONE 2011;6:e19586.
PubMed ID: 21589926
McCarty CA, Garber A, Reeser JC, Fost NC, for the Personalized Medicine Research Project Community Advisory Group and Ethics and Security Advisory Board. Study newsletters, community and ethics advisory boards, and focus group discussions provide ongoing feedback for a large biobank. AM J MED GENET A 2011;155:737-41.
PubMed ID: 21572889
Ghebranious N, Mukesh BN, Giampietro PF, Glurich IE, Mickel SF, Waring SC, McCarty CA. A pilot study of gene/gene and gene/environment interactions in Alzheimer disease. CLIN MED RES 2011;9:17-25.
PubMed ID: 20682755
Reeser JC, Payne E, Kitchner TE, McCarty CA. Apolipoprotein e4 genotype increases the risk of being diagnosed with posttraumatic fibromyalgia. PMR 2011;3:193-7.
PubMed ID: 21402364
Strobush L, Berg RL, Cross DS, Foth WS, Kitchner TE, Coleman LA, McCarty CA. Dietary intake in the Personalized Medicine Research Project: a resource for studies of gene-diet interaction. NUTR J 2011;10:13-25.
PubMed ID: 21276236
Publications - 2009-2010
Clayton EW, Smith M, Fullerton SM, Burke W, McCarty CA, Koenig BA, McGuire AL, Beskow LM, Dressler L, Lemke AA, Ramos EM, Rodriguez LL; Consent and Community Consultation Working Group of the eMERGE Consortium. Confronting real time ethical, legal, and social issues in the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Consortium. GENET MED 2010;12(10):616-20.
PubMed ID: 20733502
Cross DS, McCarty CA, Reding DJ. PS1-13: Using the PMRP cohort to develop a model for incorporating genetic and environmental factors into prostate cancer screening decisions. CLIN MED RES 2010;8:192.
Feng Q, Jiang L, Berg RL, Antonik M, MacKinney E, Gunnell-Santoro J, McCarty CA, Wilke RA. A common CNR1 (Cannabinoid Receptor 1) haplotype attenuates the decrease in HDL cholesterol that typically accompanies weight gain. PLoS ONE 2010;5:e15779.
PubMed ID: 21209828
Cross DS, Ivacic LC, Stefanski EL, McCarty CA. Population based allele frequencies of disease associated polymorphisms in the Personalized Medicine Research Project. BMC GENET 2010;11:51.
PubMed ID: 20565774
McCarty CA, Wilke RA. Biobanking and pharmacogenomics. PHARMACOGENOMICS 2010;11:637-41.
PubMed ID: 20415552
Wilke RA, Berg RL, Linneman JG, Peissig P, Starren J, Ritchie MD, McCarty CA. Quantification of the clinical modifiers impacting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the community: Personalized Medicine Research Project. Prev Cardio, 2010;13:63-8.
PubMed ID: 20377807
Giampietro PF, McCarty CA, Mukesh BN, McKiernan FE, Wilson DA, Shuldiner A, Liu J, Levasseur JA, Ivacic LC, Kitchner TE, Ghebranious N. The role of cigarette smoking and statins in the development of postmenopausal osteoporosis: a pilot study utilizing the Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Cohort. OSTEOPOROS INT 2010;21:467-77.
PubMed ID: 19506792
Cross DS, Ivacic LC, Stefanski EL, McCarty CA. Development and implementation of a genetic fingerprinting assay for the Personalized Medicine Research Project. CLIN MED RES 2010;8:50.
Mareedu RK, Modhia FM, Kanin EI, Linneman JG, Kitchner TE, McCarty CA, Krauss RM, Wilke RA. Use of an electronic medical record to characterize cases of intermediate statin-induced muscle toxicity. PREV CARDIOL 2009;12:88-94.
PubMed ID: 19476582
Wilke RA, Simpson RU, Mukesh BN, Bhupathi S, Dart RA, Ghebranious N, McCarty CA. Genetic variation in CYP27B1 is associated with congestive heart failure in patients with hypertension. PHARMACOGENOMICS 2009;10:1789-97.
PubMed ID: 19891555
Onitilo AA, McCarty CA, Wilke RA, Glurich IE, Engel JM, Flockhart DA, Nguyen A, Li L, Mi D, Skaar TC, Gin Y. Estrogen receptor genotype is associated with risk of venous thromboembolism during tamoxifen therapy. BREAST CANCER RES TR 2009;115:643-50.
PubMed ID: 19082882
Cross DS, Ivacic LC, McCarty CA. Development of a fingerprinting panel using medically relevant polymorphisms. BMC MED GENOMICS 2009;2
PubMed ID: 19379518
Publications - 2005-2008
McCarty CA, Chapman-Stone DJ, Derfus TL, Giampietro PF, Fost N, Marshfield Clinic PMRP Community Advisory Group . Community consultation and communication for a population-based DNA biobank: The Marshfield clinic personalized medicine research project. AM J MED GENET A 2008;146A:3026-3033.
PubMed ID: 19006210
Wesbrook SD, Giampietro PF, Glurich IE, McCarty CA, Peissig PL, Starren JB, Uphoff TS, Zaleski CA, Vidaillet HJ. Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield Wisconsin/ Community based approaches to personalized health care: Marshfield Clinic Personalized Health Care: Pioneers, Partnerships, Progress 2008;
Wilke RA, Berg RL, Linneman JG, Zhao C, McCarty CA, Krauss RM. Characterization of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol-lowering efficacy for atorvastatin in a population-based DNA biorepository. BASIC CLIN PHARMACOL TOXICOL 2008;103:354-9.
PubMed ID: 18834356
McCarty CA, Peissig PL, Caldwell MD, Wilke RA. The Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project: 2008. Scientific update and lessons learned in the first 6 years. PER MED 2008;5:529-42.
McCarty CA, Mukesh BN, Kitchner TE, Hubbard WC, Wilke RA, Burmester JK, Patchett RB. Intraocular pressure response to medication in a clinical setting: the Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project. J GLAUCOMA 2008;17:372-7.
PubMed ID: 18703947
McCarty CA, Burmester JK, Mukesh BN, Patchett RB, Wilke RA. Intraocular pressure response to topical beta-blockers associated with an ADRB2 single-nucleotide polymorphism. ARCH OPHTHALMOL-CHIC 2008;126:959-63.
PubMed ID: 18625943
McCarty CA, Mukesh BN, Giampietro PF, Wilke RA. Healthy People 2010 disease prevalence in the Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project cohort: opportunities for public health genomic research. PER MED 2007;4:183-90.
Peissig PL, Sirohi E, Berg RL, Brown-Switzer C, Ghebranious N, McCarty CA, Wilke RA. Construction of atorvastatin dose-response relationships using data from a large population-based DNA biobank. BASIC CLIN PHARMACOL TOXICOL 2007;100:286-8.
PubMed ID: 17371534
Wilke RA, Berg RL, Peissig PL, Kitchner TE, Sijercic B, McCarty CA, McCarty DJ. Use of an electronic medical record for the identification of research subjects with diabetes mellitus. CLIN MED RES 2007;5:1-7.
PubMed ID: 17456828
McCarty CA, Nair AK, Austin DM, Giampietro PF. Informed consent and subject motivation to participate in a large, population-based genomics study: the Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project. COMMUNITY GENET 2007;10:2-9.
PubMed ID: 17167244
McCarty CA, Wilke RA, Giampietro PF, Wesbrook SD, Caldwell MD. Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project (PMRP): design, methods and recruitment for a large population-based biobank. PER MED 2005;2:49-79.