In 2018, in part due to a a major sponsorship by The Boldt Company, the program had the financial resources to host 11 students. Select the photo below to stream the 2018 Research Symposium Presentation:

2018 Summer Research Interns:

Chibuzor Abasilim
Project: Attainment of Sleep Recommendations by Persons with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Under the guidance of Jeremy Pomeroy, Ph.D., a scientist with joint appointments within the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health and the Clinical Research Center, Chibuzor Abasilim utilized accelerometry data to determine activity and sleep patterns in order to characterize these behaviors in people with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome.
Chibuzor is pursuing a master’s degree in the Epidemiology/Biostatistics division of the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and intends to continue his education through a doctoral degree in Epidemiology.
Ciera Danen
Project: Laparoscopic Removal of a Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma in a Woman with a History of Hirsutism
Mentored by Rohit Sharma, M.D. in the Marshfield Clinic Department of General Surgery, Ciera Danen studied the case of a patient who had a rare condition of a retroperitoneal mucinous cyst.
Originally from the Medford area, Ciera is a senior at Michigan Technological University pursuing a major in biological science and plans to attend medical school upon graduation.
Abstract & Publication

Raunak Dey
Project: Efficacy of Machine Learning Algorithms in Aiding Radiologists
Under the mentorship of Computational and Biomedical Informatics Center Director Peggy Peissig, Ph.D., Raunak Dey utilized a deep learning detection model to identify malignant pulmonary nodules on lung CT scans and compared the predicted outcome to abstracted data from radiology narratives.
Raunak is a doctor of philosophy candidate in Computer Science at the University of Georgia.

Allison Foster
Project: Serious Outcomes of Medically-Attended, Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Illness among School-Aged Children with and without Asthma, 2008-2018
Mentored by Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health scientists Huong McLean, Ph.D. and Edward Belongia, M.D., Allison Foster explored whether school-aged children with asthma are at an increased risk of serious outcomes following medically-attended, laboratory-confirmed influenza illness, and whether influenza vaccination modifies the association between asthma and serious outcomes following influenza illness.
Allison is pursuing an M.P.H. in Epidemiology at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta, Georgia.

Shelley Gabel
Project: Residency Involvement and Patient Outcomes in Pancreatic Surgery at Single Tertiary, High Volume, Rural Pancreatic Surgery Institute
Under the mentorship of surgical oncologist Jessica Wernberg, M.D., Shelley Gabel investigated trends in outcomes for pancreatic surgery in rural health settings.
A Marshfield native, Shelly is a third year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin – Central Wisconsin campus in Wausau.
Peter Gerstenberger
Proejct: Correlating Telomere Length with Diseases and Novel Genetic Variants
With guidance from Center for Human Genetics scientists Patrick Allaire, Ph.D. and Scott Hebbring, Ph.D., Peter Gerstenberger engaged in research that utilized the Personalized Medicine Research Project (PMRP) biobank and data from the electronic health record to identify correlations between chromosomal telomere length and phenotypic diseases.
Peter is pursuing a degree in medical molecular biology from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and intends to pursue an M.D./Ph.D. upon graduation.

Rachael Rol
Project: Beliefs and Practices of Farm Parents to Prevent Child Injury
Returning to the Summer Research Internship Program for a second year, Rachael Rol received mentorship from National Farm Medicine Center scientist Josie Rudolphi, Ph.D. Rol conducted focus groups and collected qualitative data to identify barriers and motivators to child agricultural injury prevention.
A recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a double major in Neurobiology and Spanish, Rachel begins her Master’s Degree in Public Health at UW-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health in the Fall.

Sailee Tambe
Project: Oral Health Literacy and Outcomes in Central Wisconsin Adults
Under the mentorship of Oral and Systemic Health Center Director Jeff VanWormer, Ph.D., Sailee Tambe utilized epidemiologic methods to understand whether low oral health literacy is associated with poor oral health outcomes and to determine which sociodemographic factors are associated with low oral health literacy in Wisconsin.
Sailee is pursuing an M.P.H. in Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, having previously worked as a clinical practitioner of dentistry.
Abstract & Publication

Chuanbo Wang
Project: Assisting the Visually Impaired: Sign Detection and Recognition Using Deep Learning
With guidance from Computational and Biomedical Informatics Center Director Peggy Peissig, Ph.D. and Fereshteh Bashiri, M.S., Chuanbo Wang utilized a convolutional neural network and optical character recognition software to develop a model for detecting indoor landmarks at Marshfield Medical Center of the Marshfield Clinic Health System.
Chuanbo is a doctor of philosophy candidate in Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Zengyan Wang
Project: An Alternative Way of Characterizing Injury to Youth on Farms
Under the guidance of National Farm Medicine Center scientist Barbara Marlenga, Ph.D., Computational and Biomedical Informatics Center Director Peggy Peissig, Ph.D., and senior biostatistician Richard Berg, M.S., Zengyan Wang utilized machine learning to explore the similarities and differences in the nature, mechanisms and pattern of injuries in children on farms to those occurring elsewhere.
Zengyan is a doctor of philosophy candidate in Computer Science at the University of Georgia.
Logan Zhang
Project: Retrospective Evaluation of Periodontal Disease among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Utilizing Combined Electronic Dental-Medical Record Data
Mentored by Center for Oral and Systemic Health scientist Ingrid Glurich, Ph.D., Logan Zhang studied the prevalence of periodontal disease among patients with chronic kidney disease and examined the link between periodontal disease episodes and renal function measures.
Logan is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Tufts University in Boston and plans to attend dental school upon graduation.