Scientific Writing

MCRI Scientific Writers support scientists and clinician investigators in developing, editing and submitting external and internal grants as well as to assist in the publication of results of medical research by providing Marshfield Clinic investigators support in manuscript editing and submission.

Scientific writers and support staff can assist in proposal development by:

  • Guiding you through the process of proposal submissions, including research concept and hypotheses development
  • Providing support with literature searches
  • Identifying appropriate funding sources
  • Offering editorial assistance on proposal and protocol draft development
  • Facilitating interaction with other key support service personnel necessary to proposal planning and submission.
  • Determining feasibility of study design and testing appropriateness of draft data forms
  • Networking investigators to potential internal and external collaborators with expertise or services essential to a project
  • Providing education, resources and expertise for improving grantsmanship
  • Reviewing final proposals