October 31, 2018
Presented by: Hank Weiss, PhD, MPH, MS, recently retired from Wisconsin Department of Health Services, University of Otago
About this seminar: Dr. Hank Weiss recently retired from a distinguished career in injury control and public health. He received his BA in Environmental Studies from the University of California, his MS (Environmental Health) and MPH (Epidemiology) from the University of Minnesota and his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh (Epidemiology). His interests include injury surveillance, domestic violence, traumatic brain injury, fetal injury, baby walkers, opioids, bicycles, transport alternatives, motorcycle injury, health impacts of climate change, multi-modal transportation, and energy and health. He was Chair of the Injury Control and Emergency Health Services Section of the American Public Health Association, President of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Control, served on the Board of the Safe States Alliance and directed both the Pittsburgh and Otago Injury Control Research Centers. He was awarded the Alex Kelter Visionary Award from the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association in 2009. He presently serves on the Board of Madison Bikes.