• Jesse Richardson

  • Project Manager Senior

    • MCRI - MCRI-Res Computing and Analyt
    • 1000 North Oak Ave. ML9 Marshfield, WI 54449


2010 to 2012:
B.S., Human Services, Upper Iowa University, Wausau

Work Experience

2016 to Present:
Applications Analyst - Senior, Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, Marshfield, WI


Jesse works at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute's Office of Research Computing and Analytics as an Applications Analyst-Senior. He specializes in designing user interfaces for web and desktop applications used in medical research. His main area of expertise is patient recruitment and registry systems.

Select Publications

  • Pomeroy J, Krentz AD, Richardson JG, Berg RL, VanWormer JJ, Haws RM. Bardet-Biedl syndrome: Weight patterns and genetics in a rare obesity syndrome. Pediatr Obes. 2021 February 16;16(2):e12703. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12703. PMCID: PMC7816264.
    PubMed ID: 32700463
  • Meyer JR, Krentz AD, Berg RL, Richardson JG, Pomeroy J, Hebbring S, Haws RM. Kidney Failure in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. CLINICAL GENETICS. 2022 April;101(4):429-441. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/cge.14119. PMCID: PMC9311438.
    PubMed ID: 35112343