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  • Tewksbury DA, Goodman JR, Kaiser SJ, Burrill RE, Brown HL. (2000 March). Quantitation of the five forms of plasma high molecular weight angiotensinogen in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension. Am J Hypertens. 13(3):221-225.
    PubMed ID: 10777024
  • Sharma A, Sojar HT, Glurich I, Honma K, Kuramitsu HK, Genco RJ. Cloning, expression, and sequencing of a cell surface antigen containing a leucine-rich repeat motif from Bacteroides forsythus ATCC 43037. Infect Immun. 1998 December; 66(12):5703-10. PMCID: PMC108721.
    PubMed ID: 9826345
  • Reding DJ, Thomalla JV, Fischer VV, Lappe KA, Zhang KQi. (1998). Occupation and exposure as related risk factors for prostate cancer (PC) and abnormal cytogenetics. Proceedings of ASCO. 17 :1.
  • Mercier RJ, Reding DJ, Thomalla JV, Fischer VV, Lappe KA, Zhang KQi. (1998). Prostate cancer (PC) tumor characteristics in a prevalence population at a community cancer center (CCC). Proceedings of ASCO. 17 :1.
  • LeBaron C, Forghani B, Reef S, Rhodes P, Sullivan BJ, Beck CM, Redd S. (1997). Immunogenicity and adverse events of a 2nd dose of rubella vaccine [abstract H-148]. Program and abstracts of the 37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (. :240.
  • Craven RB, Quan TJ, Bailey RE, Sullivan BJ, Gubler DJ. (1996 April). Improved serodiagnostic testing for Lyme disease: results of a multicenter serologic evaluation. Emerg Infect Dis. 2(2):136-140.
    PubMed ID: 8903216
  • Rennells RJ, Ward RL, Mack ME, Sullivan BJ, Zito ET. (1996 February). Concurrent oral poliovirus and rhesus-human reassortant rotavirus vaccination: effects on immune responses to both vaccines and on efficacy of rotavirus vaccines. The US Rotavirus Vaccine Efficacy Group. J Infect Dis. 173(2):306-313.
    PubMed ID: 8568290
  • Miyata M, Glurich I, Kasukawa R, Milgrom F, Stinson M, Albini B. Streptococcus-mutans-induced nephritis in rabbits: rheumatoid factors and nephritogenicity. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 1995 December; 108(4):360-7.
    PubMed ID: 7580309
  • Bernstein DI, Glass RI, Rodgers G, Davidson BL, Sullivan BJ, Sack DA. (1995 April). Evaluation of rhesus rotavirus monovalent and tetravalent reassortant vaccines in US children. US Rotavirus Vaccine Efficacy Group. JAMA. 273(15):1191-1196.
    PubMed ID: 7707626
  • Jacobsen FS, Sullivan BJ. (1994 December). Spinal epidural abscesses in children. Orthopedics. 17(12):1131-1138.
    PubMed ID: 7899156
  • Sullivan BJ. (1993 May). Epidemiology of blastomycosis in a region of high endemicity in north central Wisconsin. Clin Infect Dis. 16(5):725.
    PubMed ID: 8507766
  • Groden DL, Zhang KQi, Witte AS. (1993). Abnormal intracellular clcium handling and contractile dynamics in single ventricular myocytes from failure-pone, spontaneously hypertensive rats. Eur Heart J. 14(Suppl):20.
  • Friedenberg WR, Roberts RC, David DE. (1992 August). Relationship of thrombohemorrhagic complications to endothelial cell function in patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 40(4):283-9.
  • Sullivan BJ. (1992 February). Immune response to Hib conjugate vaccine. Am J Dis Child. 146(2):145-147.
    PubMed ID: 1580909
  • Groden DL, Zhang KQi, Rezkalla SH. (1992). Abnormal calcium tansients and contractile dynamics in rat myocytes exposed to cocaine. J Am Col Cardiology. 19(Suppl A):194A.