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  • Weber WW, Caldwell MD, Kurth H. (2003). Edging toward personalized medicine. Curr Pharmacogenomics. 1 :193-202.
  • Dart RA. (2003). Obesity, obstructive sleep apnea and heart failure. Letter, New Engl J Med
  • Dart RA. (2003). Obesity, obstructive sleep apnea and heart failure. Letter, New Engl J Med
  • Dart RA, Vidaillet HJ. (2003). Medical complications of obstructive sleep apnea. In: Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Isselbacis KJ, Kasper L, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL (Ed.), Harrison's Online (Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine) McGraw Hill.
  • Dart RA. (2002 December). Obesity and the risk of heart failure. N Engl J Med. 347(23):1888.
    PubMed ID: 12472069
  • Vernon SD, Shukla SK, Conradt JM, Unger ER, Reeves WC. (2002 December). Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences and circulating cell-free DNA from plasma of chronic fatigue syndrome and non-fatigued subjects. BMC Microbiol. 2(1):39.
    PubMed ID: 12498618
  • Shukla SK, Meier PR, Mitchell PD, Frank DN, Reed KD. (2002 September). Leptotrichia amnionii sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from the amniotic fluid of a woman after intrauterine fetal demise. J Clin Microbiol. 40(9):3346-3349.
    PubMed ID: 12202577
  • Tak T, Reed KD, Haselby RC, McCauley CS, Shukla SK. (2002 July). An update on the epidemiology, pathogenesis and management of infective endocarditis with emphasis on <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>. WMJ. 101(7):24-33.
    PubMed ID: 12426917
  • Bucholtz GA, Salzman SA, Bersalona FB, Boyle TR, Ejercito VS, Penno LS,...Burmester JK [including Peterson DW, Stone GE, Urquhart AC, Shukla SK.] (2002 May). PCR analysis of nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, and hypertrophied turbinates for DNA encoding bacterial 16S rRNA. Am J Rhinol. 16(3):169-173.
    PubMed ID: 12141776
  • Bromberek BA, Enever PA, Shreiber DI, Caldwell MD, Tranquillo RT. (2002 May). Macrophages influence a competition of contact guidance and chemotaxis for fibroblast alignment in a fibrin gel coculture assay. Exp Cell Res. 275(2):230-242.
    PubMed ID: 11969292
  • Shukla SK, Tak T, Haselby RC, McCauley CS, Reed KD. (2002). Second case of infective endocarditis caused by Gemella sanguinis. WMJ. 101(3):37-39.
    PubMed ID: 12109199
  • Shukla SK, Vevea DN, Frank DN, Pace NR, Reed KD. (2001 March). Isolation and characterization of a black-pigmented Corynebacterium sp. from a woman with spontaneous abortion. J Clin Microbiol. 39(3):1109-1113.
    PubMed ID: 11230435
  • Shukla SK, Reed KD. (2000 April). Desulfovibrio desulfuricans bacteremia in a dog. J Clin Microbiol. 38(4):1701-1702.
    PubMed ID: 10747176
  • Reed KD, Ruth GR, Meyer JA, Shukla SK. (2000 March). Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in a breeding colony of African clawed frogs (Xenopus tropicalis). Emerg Infect Dis. 6(2):196-199.
    PubMed ID: 10756157
  • Hagiwara N, Klewer S, Samson R, Lyon MF, Erickson D, Brilliant MH. (2000). An x-ray induced mutation in the mouse associated with myopathy, heart block and disruption of the Sox6 gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 97 :4180-4185.