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Showing 421 - 435 of 589 results
  • Reeser JC, Payne E, Kitchner TE, McCarty CA. (2011 March). Apolipoprotein e4 genotype increases the risk of being diagnosed with posttraumatic fibromyalgia. PM R. 3(3):193-7.
    PubMed ID: 21402364
  • Lin Y, Barker E, Kislow JL, Kaldhone PR, Stemper ME, Moore FM,...Shukla SK [including Hall MC, Fritsche TR, Novicki TJ.] (2011 March). Evidence of Multiple Virulence Subtypes in Nosocomial and Community-Associated MRSA Genotypes in Companion Animals from the Upper Midwestern and Northeastern United States. Clinical Medicine & Research. 9(1):7-16.
    PubMed ID: 20739580
  • McCarty CA, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, Jarvik GP, Larson EB,...Peissig P. (2011 January 26). The eMERGE Network: a consortium of biorepositories linked to electronic medical records data for conducting genomic studies. BMC Med Genomics. 4 :13.
    PubMed ID: 21269473
  • Strobush L, Berg RL, Cross DS, Foth WS, Kitchner TE, Coleman LA, McCarty CA. (2011 January). Dietary intake in the Personalized Medicine Research Project: a resource for studies of gene-diet interaction. Nutr J. 10 :13-25.
    PubMed ID: 21276236
  • Conway M, Berg RL, Carrell D, Denny JC, Kho AN, Kullo IJ,...Pathak J [including Linneman JG, Peissig P.] (2011). Analyzing the heterogeneity and complexity of Electronic Health Record oriented phenotyping algorithms. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011 :274-83.
    PubMed ID: 22195079
  • Stemper ME, Foley SL, Goering RV, Shukla SK. (2011). Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis In: Foley SL, Chen AY, Simjee S, Zervos MJ. (Ed.), Molecular Techniques for the Study of Hospital-Acquired Infection (pp. 145-60). Wiley-Blackwell:.
  • Goering RV, Stemper ME, Shukla SK, Foley SL. (2011). Restriction Analysis Techniques. In: Foley SL, Chen AY, Simjee S, Zervos MJ (Ed.), Molecular Techniques for the Study of Hospital-Acquired Infection (1st ed.). (pp. 135-44). Wiley-Blackwell;.
  • Berg B, Peissig PL, Page D, Vidaillet HJ. (2010 December). Relational Rule-Learning on High-dimensional Medical Data, in Neural and Information Processing Systems (NIPS). Workshop on Predictive Models for Personalized Medicine. Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation..
  • Weiss J, Berg B, Peissig PL, McCarty CA, Page D. (2010 December). Clustering Overly-Specific Features in Electronic Medical Records, in Neural and Information Processing Systems (NIPS). Workshop on Predictive Models for Personalized Medicine. Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation..
  • Schildcrout JD, Basford MA, Pulley JM, Masys DR, Roden DM, Wang D,...Denny JC [including Peissig PL.] (2010 December). An analytical approach to characterize morbidity profile dissimilarity between distinct cohorts using electronic medical records. J Biomed Inform. 43(6):914-23.
    PubMed ID: 20688191
  • Caldwell MD. (2010 December). Wounds and wound management. Preface. Surgical Clinics of North America. 90(6):xiii.
    PubMed ID: 21074030
  • Bales A, Zaleski CA, McPherson EW. (2010 October). Patient and Family Experiences and Opinions on Adding 22q11 Deletion Syndrome to the Newborn Screen. J Genet Couns.. 19(5):526-34.
    PubMed ID: 20496046
  • Shukla SK, Karow ME, Brady JM, Stemper ME, Kislow JL, Moore N,...Schwan WR [including Wroblewski K, Chyou P.] (2010 October). Virulence genes and genotypic associations in nasal carriage, community-associated methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant and susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 48(10):3582-92.
    PubMed ID: 20668125
  • Hoppman-Chaney NL, Dawson DBrian, Nguyen LM, Sengupta S, Reynolds KK, McPherson EW, Velagaleti G. (2010 August). Partial hexasomy for the Prader-Willi-Angelman syndrome critical region due to a maternally inherited large supernumerary marker chromosome. Am J Med Genet A. 152A(8):2034-8.
    PubMed ID: 20602489
  • Jiang YH, Pan Y, Zhu L, Landa L, Yoo J, Spencer C,...Beaudet AL [including Brilliant MH.] (2010 August). Altered ultrasonic vocalization and impaired learning and memory in Angelman syndrome mouse model with a large maternal deletion from Ube3a to Gabrb3. PLoS One. 5(8):pii: e12278.
    PubMed ID: 20808828