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Showing 136 - 150 of 582 results
  • Rahman MM, Alatawi Y, Cheng N, Qian J, Peissig PL, Berg RL,...Hansen RA. (2017 December 3). Methodological Considerations for Comparison of Brand Versus Generic Versus Authorized Generic Adverse Event Reports in the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). Clin Drug Investig. :1143-1152.
    PubMed ID: 28933038
  • Singh VK, Ring RP, Aswani V, Stemper ME, Kislow J, Ye Z, Shukla SK. (2017 December). Phylogenetic distribution and expression of a penicillin-binding protein homologue, Ear and its significance in virulence of Staphylococcus aureus. J Med Microbiol.
    PubMed ID: 29099691
  • Acharya A, Schroeder D, Schwei K, Chyou PH. (2017 Dec). Update on Electronic Dental Record and Clinical Computing Adoption Among Dental Practices in the United States. Clin Med Res. 15(3-4):59-74.
    PubMed ID: 29229631
  • Ahmad P. Tafti, Ehsun Behravesh, Mehdi Assefi, Eric LaRose, Jonathan Badger, John Mayer,...Peggy Peissig. (2017 Dec). bigNN: An open-source big data toolkit focused on biomedical sentence classification. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
  • Chintalapudi SR, Maria D, Di Wang X, Bailey JNC, NEIGHBORHOOD consortium, Hysi PG,...Jablonski MM. (2017 November 24). Systems genetics identifies a role for Cacna2d1 regulation in elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma susceptibility. Nat Commun. 8(1):1755.
    PubMed ID: 29176626
  • Wei WQ, Li X, Feng Q, Mosley J, Kullo I, Shaffer C,...Denny J [including Peissig P.] (2017 November 14). Lpa Variants Are Associated With Residual Cardiovascular Risk in Patients Receiving Statins Abstract. CIRCULATION. 136(Suppl !)
  • Lei Y, Liu L, Zhang S, Guo S, Li X, Wang J,...Tao W. (2017 Nov 10). Hdac7 promotes lung tumorigenesis by inhibiting Stat3 activation. Mol. Cancer. 16(1):170.
    PubMed ID: 29126425
  • Lei Y, Liu L, Zhang S, Guo S, Li X, Wang J,...Tao W. (2017 Nov 10). Hdac7 promotes lung tumorigenesis by inhibiting Stat3 activation. Mol. Cancer. 16(1):170.
    PubMed ID: 29126425
  • Liu J, Zhao R, Ye Z, Frey AJ, Schriver ER, Snyder NW, Hebbring SJ. (2017 November 1). Relationship of SULT1A1 copy number variation with estrogen metabolism and human health. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.. 174 :169-75.
    PubMed ID: 28867356
  • Alatawi Y, Rahman MM, Cheng N, Qian J, Peissig PL, Berg RL,...Hansen RA. (2017 November 1). Brand vs generic adverse event reporting patterns: An authorized generic-controlled evaluation of cardiovascular medications. J Clin Pharm Ther.
    PubMed ID: 29092097
  • Tafti AP, Badger J, LaRose E, Shirzadi E, Mahnke M, Mayer J,...Peissig PL [including Ye Z.] (2017 Nov). Adverse Drug event Discovery using Biomedical Literature: a Big Data Neural Network Adventure. JMIR Med Inform.
  • McPherson E, Nestoridi E, Heinke D, Roberts DJ, Fretts R, Yazdy MM, Lin AE. (2017 November 1). Alternatives to Autopsy for Fetal and Early Neonatal (Perinatal) Deaths: Insights from the Wisconsin Stillbirth Service Program. Birth Defects Res. 109(18):1430-1441.
    PubMed ID: 28898573
  • Hall MA, Wallace J, Lucas A, Kim D, Basile AO, Verma SS,...Ritchie MD [including Brilliant MH, Peissig PL, Kitchner TE.] (2017 October 27). PLATO software provides analytic framework for investigating complexity beyond genome-wide association studies. Nat Commun. 8(1):1167.
    PubMed ID: 29079728
  • Hansen RA, Qian J, Berg RL, Linneman JG, Seoane-Vazquez E, Dutcher S,...Peissig PL. (2017 October 10). Comparison of outcomes following a switch from a brand to an authorized vs. independent generic drug. Clin Pharmacol Ther.
    PubMed ID: 27981563
  • Carter TC, Sicko RJ, Kay DM, Browne ML, Romitti PA, Edmunds ZL,...Mills JL. Copy-number variants and candidate gene mutations in isolated split hand/foot malformation. J. Hum. Genet.. 2017 October; 2017 Oct(62(10)):877-884. doi: 10.1038/jhg.2017.56. PMCID: PMC5612852.
    PubMed ID: 28539665