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Showing 661 - 675 of 763 results
  • Mazza JJ. (1993 May). Pancreatic and islet transplantation for diabetes. N Engl J Med. 328(20):1496-1497.
    PubMed ID: 8479477
  • Rezkalla SH, Hale S, Alker K, Kloner RA.. (1993 March). Flow-function dissociation following an acute dose of cocaine: effect of captopril on coronary flow. Coron Artery Dis. 4(3):271-276.
    PubMed ID: 8269221
  • Gordon LI, Andersen J, Gregory S, Mazza JJ, Chervenick P, Hahn RG, O'Connell MJ. (1993 January). A VM 26-based regimen for patients with previously untreated non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Prolonged disease-free survival in patients younger than 60 years of age: a phase II trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. CANCER. 71(2):464-470.
    PubMed ID: 8422640
  • Kindig DA, Schmelzer JR, Hong W. (1992 October). Age distribution and turnover of physicians in nonmetropolitan counties of the United States. Health Serv Res. 27(4):565-578.
    PubMed ID: 1399657
  • Mazza JJ, Reding DJ, Plank GS. (1992 June). Hematopoietic growth factors. A promising future for use in bone marrow dysfunction. Postgrad Med. 91(8):299-302, 305, 309 passim.
    PubMed ID: 1603758
  • Rezkalla SH, Reinhart RA. (1992 April). Starting aspirin therapy after operation. CIRCULATION. 85(4):1637.
    PubMed ID: 1555306
  • Cassileth PA, Lynch E, Hines JD, Oken MM, Mazza JJ, Bennett JM,...O'Connell MJ. (1992 April). Varying intensity of postremission therapy in acute myeloid leukemia. BLOOD. 79(8):1924-1930.
    PubMed ID: 1562720
  • Alam S, Rezkalla SH, Farkas P, Turi ZG. (1992 March). Deleterious cardiac effects of captopril during acute myocardial ischaemia in the dog. Cardiovasc Res. 26(3):232-236.
    PubMed ID: 1423417
  • Kloner RA., Hale S, Alker K, Rezkalla SH. (1992 February). The effects of acute and chronic cocaine use on the heart. CIRCULATION. 85(2):407-419.
    PubMed ID: 1346509
  • Khatib R, Reyes MP, Khatib G, Smith F, Rezkalla SH, Kloner RA.. (1992 February). Focal ventricular thinning caused by indomethacin in the late phase of coxsackievirus B4 murine myocarditis. Am J Med Sci. 303(2):95-98.
    PubMed ID: 1311498
  • Mazza JJ, Reding DJ, Plank GS. (1992). Growth factors: a promising future. Postgraduate Med. :91.
  • Groden DL, Zhang KQi, Rezkalla SH. (1992). Abnormal calcium tansients and contractile dynamics in rat myocytes exposed to cocaine. J Am Col Cardiology. 19(Suppl A):194A.
  • Workinger MS, Netsell R. (1992). Restoration of intelligible speech 13 years post-head injury. Brain Inj. 6(2):183-7.
    PubMed ID: 1533335
  • Cassileth PA, Andersen JW, Bennett JM, Hoagland HC, Mazza JJ, O'Connell MJ,...Wiernik PH. (1992). Adult acute lymphocytic leukemia: the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group experience. Leukemia. 6(Suppl 2):178-181.
    PubMed ID: 1578927
  • Mazza JJ, Mueller-Rizner NJ, Roberts RC. (1992). Antithrombin-III (AT-III) deficiency spanning four generations. Thromb Haemost (letter). 67 :490.