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Showing 556 - 570 of 609 results
  • Lantz PM, Dupuis LJ, Reding DJ, Krauska ML, Lappe KA. (1994 July). Peer discussion of cancer among Hispanc migrant farm workers. Public Health Rep. 109(4):512-520.
    PubMed ID: 8041851
  • Larson DM, Krawisz BR, Johnson KK, Broste SK. (1994 July). Comparison of the Z-sampler and Novak endometrial biopsy instruments for in-office diagnosis of endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 54(1):64-67.
    PubMed ID: 8020841
  • Larson DM, Broste SK. (1994 April). Histopathologic adequacy of office endometrial biopsies taken with the Z-sampler and Novak curette in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. J Reprod Med. 39(4):300-303.
    PubMed ID: 8040848
  • Reding DJ, Lappe KA, Huber JA. (1994). A breast health education intervention for rural public health professionals. Proceedings of ASCO. 1 :13.
  • Rushing DA, Reding DJ, Mercier RJ, Tipping SJ, Friedenberg WR, Plank DM. (1994). High dose chemotherapy with stem cell reinfusion. Proceedings of ASCO. 13 :1.
  • Sigmon WR, Randall ME, Olds WW, McCunniff AJ, St Clair WH, Craven TE. (1994 January). Increased chronic bowel complications with split-course pelvic irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 28(2):349-353.
    PubMed ID: 8276649
  • Larson DM, Johnson KK. (1993 December). Pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy for surgical staging of high-risk endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. Gynecol Oncol. 51(3):345-348.
    PubMed ID: 8112643
  • Witt PL, Ritch PS, Reding DJ, McAuliffe TL, Westrick L, Grossberg SE, Borden EC. (1993 November). Phase I trial of an oral immunomodulator and interferon inducer in cancer patients. Cancer Res. 53(21):5176-5180.
    PubMed ID: 8221654
  • Fischer VV, Reding DJ, Gunderson PD. (1993 June). Harvesting health: sun protection as a way of life. Society of Public Educators.
  • Krauska ML, Reding DJ, Lantz PM. (1993). Education in the field: breast and cervical cancer screening project for Hispanic migrant farmworkers. Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer Symposium.
  • Phillips RS, Cook EF, Weeks JC, Connors A, Fulkerson W, Reding DJ,...Goldman L [including Broste SK, Kryda MJ.] (1993). and the SUPPORT investigators. Development and validation of a simple model to protect mortality in patients with advanced lung cancer. Clin Res. 41 :523A.
  • Wenger N, Oye R, Bellamy PE, Teno JM, Phillips RS, Liu H,...Califf RM [including Reding DJ.] (1993). and the SUPPORT investigators. Quantifying "bad outcomes" for seriously ill hospitalized patients. Clin Res. 41 :1.
  • Teno JM, Lynn J, Wenger N, Connors A, Phillips RS, Younger S,...Reding DJ. (1993). and the SUPPORT investigators. Management of seriously ill dying patients. Clin Res. 41 :1.
  • Covinsky KE, Cook EF, Oye R, Desbiens NA, Reding DJ, Fulkerson W,...Phillips RS. (1993). The financial impact of illness on the families of critically ill hospitalized adults. Clin Res. 41(2):536a.
  • O'Day SJ, Weeks JC, Cook EF, Peterson LM, Lynn J, Wenger N,...Phillips RS [including Reding DJ.] (1993). and the SUPPORT investigators. Relationship between cancer patients' predictions of prognosis and their treatment preferences. Clin Res. 41 :579a.